RICE UP for the Tboli Artisans

Total Raised Funds | ₱62,097.00 |
Funds from Sales | ₱14,878.15 |
Cash Donations | ₱47,218.85 |
Campaign Start Date | 1 May 2020 |
Campaign End Date | 31 May 2020 |
Sacks of Rice Distributed | 29 sacks |
Households Reached | 215 households |
Data as of June 6, 2020
6 June 2020
We have distrubted 6 sacks of rice to a total of 77 households in Lake Sebu.
From May 1 to June 6, 2020, we have distributed a total of 29 sacks of rice to a total of 215 households in Lake Sebu.
Bong Salamat to everyone who supported our campaign!
30 May 2020
Campaign has succesfully ended. Additional rice packs are scheduled for distribution on the 6th of June.
10 May 2020
We have already distributed 23 sacks of rice to 138 households in Lake Sebu.
6 May 2020
We have already purchased and distributed 10 sacks of rice on May 5th, through the leadership of Karl Lozano, our co-founder, and Ate Henia and Ate Jeneth, two of our Tboli artisans.
Our community partners have decided to share their food packs to other family members who were not part of the 37 households that we identified. Another testament that Sesotunawa is not only a brand name but also a value that our Tboli artisans live by. It is a value that we all try to emulate in everything that we do in Sesotunawa, and a value that we hope to inspire in you.
One of our volunteers will be returning to Lake Sebu this Saturday to purchase the additional sacks of rice for distribution. Please visit our Facebook page for regular updates: https://www.facebook.com/sesotunawa/
Bong salamat for making this campaign a success! Henlos tekuy sesotunawa! (Let us continue working together!)
Our Community

Beneficiaries |
Households |
Pax |
Sesotunawa Partner Artisans (Sitio Lemnabol, Brgy. Poblacion, Lake Sebu) |
16 | 81 |
Brasscasters of Sitio Lamkagang (Brgy. Takunel, Lake Sebu) |
21 | 92 |

A place of enchanting beauty and rich cultural traditions, Lake Sebu has always drawn the attention of both local and international visitors. Tourism has become a major source of income for a lot of families in the area and many have built their livelihoods around it. Lake Sebu is also home to the Indigenous Tboli communities that are known for their intricate handicrafts like the Tnalak, brass wares, and beaded accessories and clothing.
For us Sesotunawa, it is the place of our birth – both of the enterprise and our community of Tboli artisans. It is where much of the magic of our work happens.
Our work as a social enterprise is centered around the security and protection of our community partners’ in Lake Sebu. Their well-being and livelihood has always been a priority. When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and the travel restrictions were put in place, most businesses in the area have closed and it has become increasingly difficult for our community artisans to access essential goods.

Sesotunawa’s Savings Program has enabled them to secure their basic needs at the beginning of the Enhanced Community Quarantine period. However, as the lockdown continues, we are concerned that this may not be sufficient to cover their expenses in the coming weeks.
Most families have returned to fishing and farming. Kuya Joel, our master brasscaster, has even started planting vegetables and corn in the land near his workshop. While this is a good way to sustain their lives in the long run, their current situation calls for more immediate support.
We’ve seen an outpouring of support for the past few days in our online engagement and sales, and we are truly grateful. We hope to continue this momentum through the RICE UP campaign.