Help Build Gono Sesotunawa
Be A Bayani Now - Help Build Gono Sesotunawa
Join us in our mission to support the Tboli artists and preserve their rich cultural heritage. By contributing to building Gono Sesotunawa, you can make a real difference in the lives of the Tboli people and help ensure that their traditions and craftsmanship continue to thrive for generations to come.
Help us raise ₱135,000 before December 20.
When you back this project, you:
● Empower a vibrant cultural hub where Sesotunawa artists and the Tboli community collaborate.
● Contribute to passing down traditional knowledge and skills to younger generations.
● Support a space for artists to showcase their unique Tboli crafts and products.
● Enable the creation of an inviting environment for visitors to explore and learn about Tboli culture.
● Receive a special reward of your choice, crafted by the talented Sesotunawa artists, as a token of appreciation for your support.
Receive A Reward When You Pledge